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Sunday, November 25, 2012

9 Months

Well, its official. I am nine months pregnant! As I sit and contemplate my final month of pregnancy, I feel so many different emotions. First and foremost, I think about how thankful I am. I am so thankful to have an amazing and supportive husband. He has been ready to be a daddy for a while now and I'm so happy that we were able to get pregnant without issue. My heart goes out to those who struggle every single day. My pregnancy has been uneventful which has also been a blessing. I thank God everyday for our blessings and pray for those who are still trying.

Like Zac, I am so excited to be a parent. I would be lying though if I said I wasn't scared. Scared of our lives changing forever. I do know that Henry will be the best thing that has ever happened to us. I can't wait to meet him and feel that feeling that everyone describes as a love that is beyond imaginable. When we hold him for the first time, our lives will change forever. Things are great now, and I can't wait for them to be even better.

I am starting to go to bed at night wondering if tonight will be the night... the anticipation is kind of rough. Mostly because I am a control freak and this is something I have zero control over. I have to just let that go because Henry is going to come when he is good and ready. Hopefully I have made a good enough home for him over the past 9 months and he'll hold out until its safe : )
We are going to install the car seat this weekend. I think once we start toting that around, what's about to happen is going to get even more real. We have a few more items to buy from our registry and the closet needs to be organized, but other than that- we are ready to go.

Lastly, I hope that we're good parents and we that we can give Henry the best life possible. We are responsible for making sure he is happy and that he turns out normal. See what I mean...scary. Scary, but also amazing. I just can't believe that I'm going to have a baby with the same man that I met when I was only 15 years old. We have come such a long way and I CANNOT WAIT to start this new chapter of our lives.

Here is the 36 week (9 month) bump picture. Its hard to believe that we have come so far and so fast!

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